Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)




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Neurotechnology Meets Artificial Intelligence

Conference on Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Neurotech and AI
München, 8.-10. Mai 2019

INTERFACES Jahrestreffen Mai 2018 in Montreal (Kanada)

Vom 1. bis 3. Mai traf sich das gesamte Konsortium in Montréal, Kanada, um aktuelle Projektergebnisse und künftige Forschung zu besprechen. Außerdem organisierten die kanadischen Partner einen Workshop, bei dem Mitglieder von INTERFACES und Vertreter verschiedener Forschungsgebiete und Interessensgruppen (Recht, Philosophie; Entwickler, Anwender) die Frage diskutierten, welche Einfluss BCIs auf unser Verständnis von Person-Sein haben. Dabei wurde ein Prozess angestoßen, der im Laufe der nächsten Monate zu einer gemeinsam verfassten Publikation führen wird.
Sobre desafíos éticos de la tecnología cerebro-ordenador

Matthew Sample gave an interview on BCIs. It is accesible online at FilosofiPods, an internet platform on philosophy:

BLRA Conference, Nuremberg 01.12.2017

On 1st December 2017, Johannes Kögel gave a talk at the BLRA Conference 2017 in Nuremberg, the conference of the Bavarian Society for Aphasics. He presented information about aphasia related BCI research and introduced the empirical studies and the objectives of the INTERFACES project. The conference panel provided a warm atmosphere and was curious about BCI research. The panelists offered their support for our project.

Herbstwerkstatt, Vienna 25.09.-30.09.2017

Johannes Kögel participated in a research methods workshop, called “Herbstwerkstatt”, which took place at the university in Vienna (25.9.-30.9.2017). The workshop focused on interpretive research methods in social sciences. Mr. Kögel was given the opportunity to present some of his research material from the INTERFACES project which was discussed and examined by peer and expert researchers.

AG Neuroethik, Göttingen 21.07.2017

At the meeting of “AG Neuroethik“ on 21st July 2017 in Göttingen, members of our team, Prof. Dr. Ralf Jox, Steffen Steinert and Johannes Kögel presented conceptual and empirical sub-projects of the INTERFACES project. “AG Neuroethik” consists of renowned scientists from the fields of medicine, philosophy, social sciences and law who work on ethical aspects in neurotechnology and neuromedicine. The consortium was very productive in discussing key aspects of our research and its members aided our project in supporting us with their expertise and research experiences.

ERA-NET NEURON Mid-Term Symposium Riga 2017

At the ERA-NET NEURON MidTerm symposium in Riga, Latvia (18/19 September 2017), members of the INTERFACES team presented our project in front of peer researchers. The conference displayed and discussed various projects that are concerned with Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects of Neuroscience. Prof. Ralf Jox gave a talk about the ethical relevance of BCI research and the ongoing research process. Additionally, the teams from Montreal and Munich gave two poster presentations, a poster by Johannes Koegel et al. (pdf-doc, 330 KB) and a poster by Matthew Sample et al. (pdf-doc, 10,5 MB). The conference was a good opportunity to witness other projects in the field of neuroethics and neurotechnology and to discuss relevant topics among the research community.

Vortrag zu agency und BCI in Belgrad (Serbien), 19.8.2017

Bei der 31. European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care in Belgrad (Serbien), 16.-19. August 2017, hielt Steffen Steinert einen Vortrag zu agency, action theory und BCI-Technologie.

Vortrag zu ethischen Implikationen von BCIs

Am 29.06.2017 präsentierte Orsolya Friedrich erste Ergebnisse zu den ethischen Implikationen von BCIs beim Münchner Kompetenzzentrum Ethik (MKE).

Summary of Granada Project Meeting, May 2017

In May 2017, the first annual meeting of the Research Consortium Intelligent Neuro-Technologies Restoring Functions of Action and Communication: an Evaluation Study (INTERFACES) took place in Granada (Spain). Organized by David Rodríguez-Arias, the meeting involved team members from Munich, Montreal and Hamburg coming together in order to discuss their work and to plan the next steps of the various sub-projects.
The first day started with a discussion of the latest developments in brain-computer interfaces, before Johannes Kögel and Jennifer Spreider (both from Munich) presented preliminary results of the qualitative interview study regarding the perspectives of BCI users.
A big portion of the day focused on conceptual and ethical analysis. Under the lead of Orsolya Friedrich, Christoph Bublitz und Steffen Steinert, project members discussed questions concerning agency, responsibility and legal issues of brain-computer interfaces.
Eric Racine and Matthew Sample (Montreal) presented initial results from an international survey of public and health care professionals. The Montreal-team also introduced their ideas for a survey of public opinion on the ethics of brain-computer interfaces. The whole group provided helpful feedback.
The time between the sessions was used to record short video interviews with group members that will later be used in the information podcast for the general public.
In the evening, a public panel, which was organized by David Rodríguez-Arias and moderated by Eric Racine and Matthew Sample, discussed ethical questions pertaining to brain-computer interfaces. The panel members included a BCI expert, philosophers and a member of a MS advocacy group. The day concluded in a restaurant amidst a relaxed atmosphere and stimulating conversation.
On the second day, the Montreal team introduced their ideas for the information podcast for the general public and the group exchanged ideas about how to most efficiently implement public outreach. The group spent the rest of the day planning future events, including the next annual meeting and the group deliberation workshop in Montreal.

We would like to thank the University of Granada for being such a great host!

Mechanized Brains, Embodied Technologies, Restored Movements -Philosophical and Ethical Implications of Neurotechnological Interventions, 20.01.2017

Orsolya Friedrich gave a talk on BCI applications and agency at the symposium “Mechanized Brains, Embodied Technologies, Restored Movements -Philosophical and Ethical Implications of Neurotechnological Interventions” in Freiburg (Cluster of Excellence BrainLinks-BrainTools), 20th January 2017, where we had the opportunity to discuss our results with international specialists in that field.

Interview über das Projekt mit der Zeitschrift medizin & technik

